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Ripon Tea Factory Places


From its aroma to the refreshing taste, Tea has always been one of the favorite beverages of all time. Spread in an enormous 443 hectares of land at an alarming altitude of 2000 meters from the ground, the Ripon Tea Factory is one of the best stimulating Wayanad tourist places.

Considering that the tea factory was established in the 18th century by the British, the place has got a bit of history behind itself.  The factory is also celebrated for its premium quality of extravagant tea that are segregated into dust, leaf and blended flavors.

The Ripon Tea Factory is open between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM when visitors can pay a visit here and enjoy various flavors of delicious tea. This should be among the first places to visit in Wayanad, especially for tea lovers.


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